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A friend of mine learned something from a pimp.

This particular pimp just had a small stable of girls, a part-time job really. Unusually ambitious for someone in the pimping profession, he wisely kept another lucrative job on a union automobile assembly line as well, which is where my friend met him. Guess pimping doesn’t usually include double overtime and dental insurance. Anyway, he gave my friend the following advice which stuck with me forever. Even though I was not present at the conversation, I’m going to put his words in quotes to clarify who was speaking. That may not be kosher stylistically according to the Journalist’s Handbook, but there are no journalists any more anyway, so deal with it. My friend recalled the conversation very vividly.

“Marc,” he said to my friend, “Only a lowlife, ignorant pimp needs to beat his girls. The smart pimp knows how to control his women with words. What I do, see, if the girl is beautiful, is pick at her, and belittle her and destroy her confidence. I point out all her flaws and make her so unsure of herself that she is dependent on me for her self-esteem, which I dole out with an eye-dropper.”

“With an average or kinda fat, ugly girl, I do just the opposite. I tell her she’s beautiful and build her up and again, she is dependent on me for her self-esteem. She’ll do anything for me to get confirmation that she’s a fox and not what she sees in the mirror.”

I got to thinking about the Left and how they operate in exactly the same way. If you have bothered to pay attention in school, work hard, accumulate some savings, avoid drug or alcohol dependence, not been a criminal, possibly even been married to the mother or father of your children, the Alinsky-schooled Leftist belittles your success with “You didn’t build that!” Hell, it’s only your “White Skin Privilege” that got you ahead! (If you do not have white skin, then any success is because you are an Uncle Tom, Aunt Jemima, etc….see, Condi Rice, Justice Thomas, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, Mia Love, the list goes on including many non-famous achievers. Surprisingly, the non-famous are people, too.)

I believe one of the reasons that the super-rich, especially of inherited wealth, are so often leftist is because they REALIZE that they have not earned their wealth. That it is just a result of the “lottery” Dear Leader speaks of. And he should know.

On the other hand, if you have not done one thing right in your life – if you have made one disastrous life decision after another – and someone assures you that you are still “beautiful,” that nothing that has happened to you has ever been your fault because the system is stacked against you, then you will follow that leader to the ends of the earth.

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