Тут не исправить уже ничего, Господь, жги! Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы
>Speaking of Android... did you realize that you can currently get Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Office (in Beta) that run natively on Android? I've got an Android-powered laptop here running both, which means I'm running Photoshop and MS Office natively on my Linux-powered computer. Ever heard anyone say something like "I would use Linux... but I need Microsoft Office"? Well, it's here. On Linux. Look out your window. Go ahead. Stand up, walk over to your window, and take a look out. Those pink things in the sky? Yeah. Those are pigs. And, boy howdy, are they flying.
Рекомендовали: @ulidtko @mugiseyebrows
#DANPN4 / @anonymous / 3707 дней назад

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