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Хакерньюз хуже хабра > I'm hoping this is sarcasm since I don't think I've seen a single intelligent discussion in my life that was helped along by a funny GIF. Not to say there's anything wrong with funny GIF's, but I come to HN exactly because it moderates away that sort of stuff.
#40EEOY / @kb / 3423 дня назад

все правильно говорит, гифки для быдла, даешь вебмки! //тоже хочет в бирдость небось
#40EEOY/ATG / @krkm / 3423 дня назад
>I don't think I've seen a single intelligent discussion in my life that was helped along by a funny GIF чел жизни не видил, а пиздит чото там
#40EEOY/TMY / @mugiseyebrows / 3422 дня назад

@mugiseyebrows th

#40EEOY/Q4P / @ulidtko --> #40EEOY/TMY / 3422 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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