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An administrator of a VK community called “Overheard in Donetsk R.O.” (R.O. stands for Rostov Oblast in Russia) wrote a post on 22 July about the transport of military equipment in Donetsk, Russia. In the post, the admin asks community members and other admins to not publish any pictures of military equipment that had just passed. Since this post was made just four days after the Buk missile launcher arrived in Verkhnyaya Orekhovka near Donetsk, Russia one cannot help but wonder if this military equipment was, in fact, the Buk missile launcher, although it does not seem very likely that the Buk would have remained there for four days before being transported farther into Russia because of the likelihood of being seen by civilians. In any case, the post makes clear that the transport of military equipment occurs in Donetsk, Russia and that people are encouraging others not to make videos and photographs of the transports public.
#1OT2YN/ABB / @anonim / 3449 дней назад
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