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i did a push-up today uwu weellllll XD actually i started a proxy war in sub-saharan africa so i could sell weapons to both sides and make a profit (so quirky i know XD). well close enough uwu now i need chocolate!
#0U6MIT / @telegram / 1287 дней назад

Starting a proxy war in Africa is actually an incredible entrepreneurial adventure to take on. After all, what was the Angolan Civil "Conflict" (I laugh at the idea of calling it a war, it was engineered to last forever.) other than a means to strip the land of oil and diamonds, lining the pockets of the security contractors and filling the native peoples with an "ideology" that can be most likened to Red versus Blue. The two ideologies obviously are interchangable with the end goal, as they say: Whoever loses, we win. Of course this took countless players and where people liken the ripening of conflict as "a chess game", it's more like tending a garden, you have to kill the mayflies and worms that threaten the health of your crop. Anyways, enough metaphors, back to Angola. Obviously, the sale of weaponry was lucrative, but the salesmen were opportunistic, right place right time. If you were an investor before, you're "one of the boys". Top level of the profits pyramid, besides actually running the damn thing. No no, the true constructors of that amazing redistribution of wealth was the United States and her allies, and the USSR. What they don't tell you is that a LOT of government officials were reallocating their wealth towards this Red versus Blue pow-wow. It was like blood sports betting, and you get to swoop in after the war, all these poor broken men and women, and just BUY your way into getting another few years in your public office. You'll be a hero at home. This all ended up being a war of national unity, and pride. In the 1996-2001's, private deals were brokered between the U.S. and the red nations; a now dissolved USSR ended up agreeing that the war machine was losing its "oil" so to speak, heh heh. A lot of talking took place, hands were shook, and a lot of money gets spent and a lot of heads roll just to keep a lid on all that. Of course they're all isolated cases that the now consolidated News Corp. (you can find them on the stock exchange under NWSA after all, why call out the possible investors on a boring news story?) doesn't really have interest in showing people. Even the history channel is a shadow of its former self, knowledge and fact is unprofitable. Remember that. If everybody knows something, then that knowledge is good to know, but pointless. As the market calls it, "Priced in". Create the problem, and you can sell the solution. Of course I don't spend all day learning about a country with no money in it; so instead I just bet on biopharma companies and watch dakooters. I know, I know, not a lot of actual knowledge about the Angolan Civil War, but it really just always comes down to power and profits doesn't it? Just like YouTube's power to fucking mark this comment as spam. Fuck yah mother bich.
#0U6MIT/1RZ / @telegram / 1287 дней назад
@telegram It's no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity. It's an endless series of proxy battles, fought by mercenaries and machines.War--and it's consumption of life--has become a well-oiled machine.War has changed.ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons, use ID-tagged gear. Nanomachines inside their bodies enhance and regulate their abilities.Genetic control, information control, emotion control, battlefield control…everything is monitored and kept under control.War…has changed.The age of deterrence has become the age of control, all in the name of averting catastrophe from weapons of mass destruction, and he who controls the battlefield, controls history.War…has changed.When the battlefield is under total control, war becomes routine.
#0U6MIT/QU0 / @telegram --> #0U6MIT/1RZ / 1287 дней назад
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